The Truth About Rosemary Oil: Does It Work For Hair Growth?

Tracy Lee's avatarBy Tracy Lee
The Truth About Rosemary Oil: Does It Work For Hair Growth?

You might have tried other methods to try and speed up hair growth – gummies, scalp massages, shampoos, to name a few. But there’s one suggestion that’s going viral on social media, and it’s surprisingly simple: rosemary oil!

What is rosemary oil?

Rosemary oil is extracted from the leaves of the rosemary plant. You might be more familiar with using fragrant rosemary leaves as an herb to season your dinners, but rosemary oil is commonly used in beauty products and aromatherapy around the world.

Why could it be good for hair growth?

Why could it be good for hair growth?
Credit: via Pinterest

The oil of the rosemary plant contains carnosic acid, which is thought to potentially stimulate and nurture nerve tissue. By way of logic, some believe that it can similarly stimulate the scalp to encourage hair growth - the oil is thought to potentially increase blood flow to the hair follicle. Additionally, natural compounds in rosemary oil may also have anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, which help to maintain a healthy scalp.

How do I use rosemary oil for hair growth?

Is it possible to create a DIY rosemary oil treatment or is a specific product needed? Well, there are options available depending on how much time and effort you want to invest. Some rosemary oils on the market are already mixed with a carrier, like castor oil (pure rosemary oil is too potent to use on its own). If you have a pre-mixed product, you simply need to apply two to three drops directly onto your scalp, before massaging it in.

How do I use rosemary oil for hair growth?
Credit: via Pinterest

If you want to make your own blend, you’ll need to purchase pure rosemary essential oil, then dilute it with a suitable carrier oil or your shampoo. This is more time consuming, and you’d need to be careful of getting your ratios right, but it could end up more cost effective in the long run.

Either way, if you have thin, fine hair, it might be a good idea to apply the oil before bedtime rather than first thing in the morning. A hair wash when you get up will remove any lingering greasy residue. Thicker hair types may get away with applying it in the daytime before slicking hair back into a ponytail or bun.

How do I use rosemary oil for hair growth?
Credit: andrea ᰔᩚ via Pinterest

Are there any negative side effects to using rosemary oil on the scalp?

Are there any negative side effects to using rosemary oil on the scalp?
Credit: Zé Maria via Unsplash

Pure rosemary oil is very concentrated and can lead to a flaky, dry, irritated scalp if it’s not diluted prior to application. Once you have your mixed product ready, it would be sensible to do a patch test on your neck to double check that your skin can tolerate it. You might also want to start applying the oil just twice a week before building up to daily use, especially if you normally tend to have an oilier scalp. Saying that, rosemary oil is considered generally very safe with few negative side effects.

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor beforehand to check whether it’s suitable for you. Similarly, if you are experiencing significant hair loss that’s unexplained, it may be best to speak with a doctor for professional medical advice.

Are there any negative side effects to using rosemary oil on the scalp?
Credit: via Pinterest

So, does rosemary oil actually work?

So, does rosemary oil actually work?
Credit: NaturallyKrowned via etsy

Unfortunately, the jury's still out on this one as more definitive research is needed. It also won't be a quick overnight fix. However, with consistent use over a few months, it's certainly possible that you could start noticing a difference. Either way, rosemary oil is considered a safe, natural, and fairly inexpensive product overall, so you won't have anything to lose by giving it a go.